Everyone Has a Story Worth Sharing

What's Yours?

Preserve meaningful moments and memories on a beautiful keepsake web page. Then, share the experience with loved ones and discover stories you never knew from your family members

Our Story...

How Always Remembered Came to Be

When my wife was younger, she wanted to be a mortician, she was always curious about the people that lived in the past and what they did with their lives, and so she thought it would be cool to be able to push the dash between the born on, and death dates on a tombstone and have it say a little recording about the persons life.

With today’s technology we can do just that. We can always remember who they were and what they did.  The memories won’t get lost in grandma’s cedar chest somewhere.

Imagine strolling through a graveyard, not only to visit your beloved but also to discover the stories of others, learning about their lives and accomplishments. What a great way to remember those who have left us and keep their memory alive within us.

On FamilySearch and Ancestry, you can post pictures and documents but you can’t attach a video. “Always Remembered,” however, takes it a step further. We generate a personalized QR code that seamlessly connects to your family biographies, images, and videos. This QR code can be showcased during viewings or funerals and can be attached to the headstone. Additionally, store it in your phone’s ‘digital wallet.’ This ensures our cherished ones are always remembered.

...Now tell us Your story

Your family story starts here:

Where to begin…

Getting started is simple. In just minutes, you’ll be on your way. Follow the prompts to create a bio and before you know it, you’ll have a cherished keepsake that lasts for years. Enhance your tale with photos, documents, and videos, all accessible through a shareable QR Code.

For when you want to...

Feel connected to loved ones

We’ll help you stay connected to your loved ones over any distance.

Preserve your Memories

Revitalize your forgotten old journals and pictures that are gathering dust in a corner, and avoid leaving your pictures buried in the endless shuffle of your phone. Let your family’s story persist across time.

Maintain a captivating online memoir of the past, prepared for sharing with future generations, nurturing a meaningful connection with their heritage.”

Your Story Embossed and Set in Stone