Jane Monroe


February 12, 1935
June 15, 2018

February 12, 1935 the world changed. Jane was born! She became an intrepid marketing maven renowned for her trailblazing strategies in the digital communications sphere. Her innovative campaigns not only propelled her business to new heights but also set industry benchmarks, earning her accolades such as the “Innovator of the Year” and “Top 40 Under 40 Marketers.” Despite her professional triumphs, Jane always prioritized her beloved family. She found unwavering support and laughter in the company of her doting husband, John, and their three cherished children: Sarah, Michael, and Emily.

Travel was her passion outside of family and business. Amidst her global escapades, Jane held a special fondness for the vibrant streets of Tokyo, Japan, where the juxtaposition of ancient traditions and modern dynamism captivated her senses. Immersing herself in the rich tapestry of Japanese cuisine, she savored every delectable moment, cherishing the memories created with her family as they navigated the bustling metropolis and serene temples. Jane’s remarkable journey through life serves as an inspiration, highlighting the harmonious blend of professional excellence, cultural curiosity, and unwavering familial bonds.

Jane lived a full life and passed away at age 83 on June 15, 2018.

Tokyo, 1991...


October 18, 1991

Today marked a hilarious yet slightly embarrassing milestone in my quest to conquer the Japanese language. Amidst the bustling streets of Tokyo, I ventured into a quaint shop, armed with my newfound linguistic arsenal, determined to express my gratitude to the friendly shopkeepers. With what I thought was a flourish of finesse, I proudly blurted out, “Arigato gozaimasen!” – only to realize, much to my horror, that I had just thanked them for not existing!

Their initially warm expressions shifted into bemused confusion, prompting an awkward yet endearing moment of linguistic revelation. Amidst their patient laughter and gentle corrections, I couldn’t help but join in the mirth, my cheeks flushed with equal parts embarrassment and amusement.

It’s moments like these that remind me of the beauty of cross-cultural exchanges – how laughter and genuine goodwill can bridge even the widest language gaps. While my journey to master Japanese continues, I’ve certainly become a regular source of amusement for the locals here, who now affectionately refer to me as the well-intentioned yet occasionally linguistically challenged foreign friend.

As I pen this, I can’t help but chuckle at my language mishap, grateful for the camaraderie it has fostered and the delightful memories that continue to enrich my Tokyo adventures.

Until next time,
– Jane

Home videos...

New York
Central Park


...Sayonara Janey, we miss you

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